Black Friday text

Extend your trial period for free!

Start your 14-day free trial before the 1st of December and we’ll extend your trial until Christmas / Boxing Day.

Experience the power of Push Notifications during the most profitable days of the year.

Festive season is around the corner and this period revolves entirely around sales, sales, and more sales! Like any other business, we cannot stay behind with great promotions. Therefore, we will extend all free trials - started in the week of 23-30 November - until Christmas / Boxing Day.


96% of your visitors don't leave an e-mail address. Reach out to them with PushPro.


On average, a 17% increase in revenue is witnessed by introducing Push Notifications.


Drive up to 7x higher Customer Retention with Push Notifications.


Go for gold and see 9.6x more conversions when using Push Notifications.

Tips & Tricks to get you started.

Promote your discount deals in a creative and innovative way, get your customers’ attention, and send them back to your website. Push Notifications massively boost customer engagement and sales during days like Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Christmas, and Boxing Day.

Bring emojis into battle

Emojis are the perfect way to stimulate people based on their feelings.

Keep it short & simple

Be straight to the point. Describe your offers and link to your website.

Don’t spam your customer

Send targeted notifications to segmented audiences with the Segmentation Manager.

Create a sense of urgency

Send a reminder of your deal and encourage people to act on it.

It's easy to get started.

Create an account, gather subscribers, and send your first notification. Experience what direct engagement can do for your business.


Create your account

Use your email address or
login with Google.


Try PushPro for free

Experience the power of PushPro and try out all PRO features.


Start with PushPro

Immediately start sending
your first Push Notifications.